Thursday, January 22, 2009

My Hockey Team

           This year in hockey I am playing a U16 team and so far it is a joke. I was hoping to have a good intense year with a good group of kids and a good coach. My coaches have zero control over the team and the rules they set for the team hold no weight with anyone because the never implement a consequence on anyone who breaks the rule(s). They group of guys is good, a good group to hang out with and be on a team with but there's not always a drive for success. But when times are bad and we are losing a lot of tearing down happens and so kids don't take to well to criticism and in the end we end up playing even worse. Our team is kinda all over when it comes down to it. Like we'll beat the best team in the league by a lot and then lose to the worst one. Our team's moral fluctuates constantly, we will go on a losing streak for a while and get worse and worse every game cause we keep losing and getting mad at each other. And then we'll be winning for a while and we get more and more pumped after every game we win.

The New President

           This Tuesday america welcomed the first HALF black president that this great nation has ever had. I hear "We finally have a black president", or " Barack Obama became the first black president...", or other comments along those lines and the ones who say those things are mistaken. Say someone says we now have a black president and I say we now have a white president, we are both equally wrong. The thing that most people seem to fail to understand is the he,(Obama), is half white and the other half black. He  not our first black president but he IS our first president who is half black. Say Michael Vick had decided that instead of shooting dogs and fighting them in his backyard he was gonna run for president in 2012 and won, he would be our first black president, not the second. I just believe that the people of the United States should know the truth about him being our first half black president, not our first all black president. And by the way readers, don't give me the "being black is a state of mind" cause its BS, just thought I might want to touch on that because I've been told it before.

Monday, January 12, 2009

Mongols and their time period

Im so glad that I live in the century that I do now. Currently in my world history class we are learning about the savageness of the barbarians such as the Mongols and when we watch video of historians talking about what life would have been like for people back then I can only think to myself and see how lucky we are to have running water, clean clothes, and fresh food. Back in the time of the barbarians hygiene never took center stage or was even thought about. They didn't really bathe, brush teeth as we do now a days, or even handling food with clean hands or utensils. Also, their tactics of torture ran wild, there was even one account of a man who had been caught stealing and had molten silver poured into his ears and eyes. 

Sunday, January 4, 2009

My Trip to the Moon

            This year over break someone asked me what I was going to do and I told them I have no idea but I will definitely do some thing that is out of the ordinary and some thing that a kid has never done before. As I lay in my bed one morning I thought to myself and I decided that I was going to go to the moon. And I decided that the safest way to get there was taking all my launch-able fire works and attaching them to a folding chair that I had come across one day in my basement, something my parents wouldn't notice that was gone. So on afternoon in my garage I set about rigging it with all my fire power and after two days straight of hard work and 23 red bulls I had my self a makeshift contraption to get me to the moon. So one fine winter day I...

To be continued...

Wednesday, December 10, 2008


              If I was one of the select few left on earth after a devastating occurrence happened I would do my best to secure a location with lots and lots of rations, preferably canned goods and stock up on weapons for self-defense because with no laws or government you never know what could happen. I would try to have a small amount of people with me, preferably three others, who could help me out with gathering necessary components for survival and so I don't go crazy because of being alone and having no one to talk to. I would try to find a good place to stay permanently, I would not roam around looking for more people because it could be to riskey and who knows if the people that i might come across would be friendly or not or if they would pose a threat towards me or my companions. So basically I would try to find a steady and reliable food source and and a place to permanently settle down in.

Wednesday, December 3, 2008

To Mrs. R:

"Danny - Did you see this comment? The important part of his response alerts you to the dangers of assuming that you know what someone else's motives are. Hmmm. What did you learn from this?"

Well I learned that not all people on the web are the nicest or that understanding of my beliefs, such as Ken Clark. The way I see it is that he has a negative outlook on life and he's not the type of person the I want to aspire to be like. I would want to be more like Clark Kent, aka Superman, because he's saves people in distress, and seems to be an all-around good person and I believe that if I lead a good life and do my best to be an all-around good admirable, commendable person that the god(s) up there, whether it be a Allah, the christian god, or Athena and Zeus themselves would grant me with Superman's special powers so that I can carry on my life of saving and helping people in need just a bit easier with the gift from my god(s).

Wednesday, November 19, 2008

Ken Clark

After reading Kyle's blog on super heroes and a criticing comment by the anonomous "Ken" talking about his mistakes on Superman info and how his name was actually Clark Kent, not Ken Clark i thought to myself, why would a middle aged man, as he claims he is, be searching his name on differant things online and feel the need to comment on a highschooler's blog and point out the mistakes that the person made on there blog. I mean, I see why other out-of-country people would perseve us a a little strange when there are bigger and more important things that attention should be called to first. But if you think about it, thats what's great about this country, WE CAN CHOOSE to blog all day